コンテンポラリージュエリー展 “ブローチ”
① 応募者情報(必要項目を直接記入してください)
② 応募作品写真(作品単体や着用写真など自由、5枚以内、jpg、RGB、1600×1200pixel /縦長、72dpi以上、各2MB以内。データ名は作家名と通し番号を用いること:例 Taro Yamada_1)
③ 応募作品についてのプレゼン資料(PDF、A4サイズ1~3枚以内、形式自由、合計5MB以内)
④ 作家自身についての簡単な活動歴をまとめた資料(PDF、A4サイズ1枚、形式自由。応募作品以外の過去作があれば別途A4サイズ1枚にまとめた資料を追加可能。合計5MB以内)
2025年10月に開催される「Contemporary Jewellery Symposium Tokyo 2025」のプログラム内で発表。
cj.symposium.tokyo@gmail.com(CJST 公募展係まで)
皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。 CJST一同
Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition "Brooch"
We are pleased to announce the third open call exhibition aimed at revitalizing, developing, and promoting the field of jewellery expression in Japan. Following the themes of pendants and rings, this year's theme is "Brooch."
- What does it mean for an artist to choose "jewellery" as a form of expression? We invite works that embody the strength of this choice.
- Our goals include supporting artists' activities, attracting new collectors, continuously disseminating information about jewellery works domestically and internationally, and fostering connections with society.
【Application Requirements】
- Each applicant may submit one entry as an individual or one per unit/group (in the case of a unit/group, a representative must submit the application).
- No entry fee. No restrictions on age, career, or nationality. (Japanese is preferred, but English is also accepted.)
- The submitted work must be wearable as a brooch. (Please feel free to interpret "wearable" however you like.)
- There are no restrictions on size, material, or technique. (However, works that may cause harm to the human body or environment are not accepted.)
- There is no limit to the number of pieces within an entry, but only one series can be submitted. (The number of selected works will be determined by the jury. A series refers to a group of works created under the same concept. Works previously exhibited in other open calls or exhibitions are also eligible.)
- The selling price will be set at 50% for the artist and 50% for the organizer.
- All exhibition methods and installations will be entrusted to the organizer.
- The storage period for selected works is expected to be until around December 2026 at the earliest. (This may be extended depending on whether a touring exhibition is held.)
- The artist is responsible for both shipping and return shipping costs for selected works (domestic return shipping will be cash on delivery; international applicants should consult with the organizer in advance).
- Inquiries regarding the jury process will not be accepted.
The jury panel will be announced around spring 2025.
【Application Process】
Log in to the special open call website and complete the required fields online while attaching the following materials:The special website is scheduled to be launched in April 2025.
- Applicant Information (to be filled in directly)
- Photographs of the Submitted Work (Standalone and/or worn images, up to 5 images, jpg format, RGB, 1600×1200 pixels/vertical, at least 72 dpi, each file up to 2MB. The file name should include the artist's name and serial number: e.g., "Taro Yamada_1")
- Presentation Materials on the Submitted Work (PDF, A4 size, 1–3 pages, free format, up to 5MB in total)
- Brief Portfolio of the Artist's Activities (PDF, A4 size, 1 page, free format. If the applicant has previous works other than the submitted one, they may add an additional A4 page summarizing them. Up to 5MB in total.)
【Application Period】
From May 1 to June 30, based on German time. (Modifications can be made freely within the period.)
【Results Announcement】
The results will be announced as part of the "Contemporary Jewellery Symposium Tokyo 2025" program, scheduled for October 2025.
【Contact Information】
cj.symposium.tokyo@gmail.com (CJST Open Call Office)
Personal information obtained through the application will only be used to respond to applications and will not be shared with third parties except as required by law.
In principle, we will respond within one week. If no response is received within one week, please resend your inquiry.
We look forward to your participation.